

Cherry Central?

Cherry Central是一家农业合作社企业,联合生产让我们更强大。时至今日,Cherry Central拥有数百家家庭农场,我们的数代农场主专注于种植,这才成就了Cherry Central。我们承诺高品质,我们用心服务,专注于创新和营养食品。 

我们的食品如何影响世界。 我们的工业,农业,是食品和健康的集合。作为一个农业合作社企业,我们支持可持续性食品供应系统,我们可以提供创新性的,直观的,高性价比的和营养性的食品给全世界的人群。

在Cherry Central,我们专注于健康,协同合作,因为我们知道只有目标一致才能取得成功。通过慈善捐赠,我们跟当地的组织合作支持世界人类健康。我们坚持我们的目标,这是我们几代人一直坚持的路线。

Cherry Central的加工厂执行国际食品安全标准。我们在国际上推广有影响的健康和食品安全准则。通过创新,我们给世界家庭创造营养产品,同时对于我们的环境提供积极的影响。


Cherry Sketch



Mountain view orchard
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

1973年4月2日,密歇根农场主们一起成立了Cherry Central。从那时起,我们的种植中心为密歇根的水果和蔬菜提供统一的市场和销售管理。


The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

Cherry Central很快就把产品出口到加拿大,日本和东亚的其他国家。显著的成功是我们把产品出口到了欧洲。截止到1975年,Cherry Central的生意25%来自于出口,这要归功于市场对于蒙特莫伦西酸樱桃的旺盛需求。时至今日,Cherry Central出口各种品种的产品到世界各地。

Truck on road
Cherry truck
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

研发创新是我们的使命中最重要的一部分。1984年,Cherry Central收购Dunkley International作为我们的全资子公司。通过这次收购,让我们增强了食品加工能力,我们拥有了销售服务加工一体化化的设备和能力。我们拥有了樱桃和蓝莓的整套加工线。

The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

从那时起,我们就一直增长。我们分享我们的苹果,蓝莓,蔓越莓,草莓和其他甜水果给世界各地。近些年市场上客户的需求让我们增加石榴和芦笋。今天,Cherry Central供应世界上最好的水果和芦笋给消费者。我们为零售,批发市场,食品配料,餐饮行业,贴牌定制和合营品牌提供产品。我们紧跟食品行业的发展。我们的产品线非常贴合我们的客户的需求。

Fruit in basket
Farmer holding cherries
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

今天,Cherry Central拥有分布在美国,加拿大和世界各地的数百家农场和加工厂。我们引领食品安全,健康和可持续性发展。我们坚信你们也会热爱我们种植的产品。

Mountain view orchard
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

1973年4月2日,密歇根农场主们一起成立了Cherry Central。从那时起,我们的种植中心为密歇根的水果和蔬菜提供统一的市场和销售管理。


Truck on road
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

Cherry Central很快就把产品出口到加拿大,日本和东亚的其他国家。显著的成功是我们把产品出口到了欧洲。截止到1975年,Cherry Central的生意25%来自于出口,这要归功于市场对于蒙特莫伦西酸樱桃的旺盛需求。时至今日,Cherry Central出口各种品种的产品到世界各地。

Cherry truck
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

研发创新是我们的使命中最重要的一部分。1984年,Cherry Central收购Dunkley International作为我们的全资子公司。通过这次收购,让我们增强了食品加工能力,我们拥有了销售服务加工一体化化的设备和能力。我们拥有了樱桃和蓝莓的整套加工线。

Fruit in basket
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

从那时起,我们就一直增长。我们分享我们的苹果,蓝莓,蔓越莓,草莓和其他甜水果给世界各地。近些年市场上客户的需求让我们增加石榴和芦笋。今天,Cherry Central供应世界上最好的水果和芦笋给消费者。我们为零售,批发市场,食品配料,餐饮行业,贴牌定制和合营品牌提供产品。我们紧跟食品行业的发展。我们的产品线非常贴合我们的客户的需求。

Farmer holding cherries
The small red and blue Cherry Central logo.

今天,Cherry Central拥有分布在美国,加拿大和世界各地的数百家农场和加工厂。我们引领食品安全,健康和可持续性发展。我们坚信你们也会热爱我们种植的产品。


Melanie LaPerriere

总裁 首席执行官

Catherine Collins


Cheryl Saxton


Cherry sketch




image of David, Mike, and Landon Rowley


Schuyler Growers overhead view of orchard.


a sweet




我们两个全资子公司帮助我们提高运营能力。我们拥有Oceana食品,从事果干加工和Kalamazoo-based Dunkley International。Dunkley是机械加工厂,专门提供水果加工机械设备。

Melanie LaPerriere

President CEO

Melanie LaPerriere is a recognized leader in the further processed produce industry. She helped to create Naturipe Foods, launched in 2008 as a sales and marketing organization for a Midwestern based blueberry cooperative, a family owned blueberry grower from Delano, California, and a Santiago, Chile-based blueberry grower business.

She has directly impacted well-known brands, including Blue Diamond Almond consumer products, and Procter & Gamble branded food products. As Cherry Central’s President and CEO, she now leads a cooperative of growers spanning across multiple growing regions including Ontario, Canada; Michigan, Utah and Washington state.

Cherry Central is a leading producer of Montmorency cherry juices and concentrates, Indian Summer apple products, IQF cherries & 5+1 cherries serving the ingredient market. Melanie comes to Cherry Central as our cooperative nears its 50th anniversary. Her focus is positioning the company for success well into the future.

A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Melanie attended Xavier University where she graduated with a BSBA in Marketing. She began her career in Cincinnati with Procter & Gamble. She later moved to Northern California, where she worked for Blue Diamond Growers. She resides in Michigan and works out of our Traverse City, Michigan headquarters.

“As Cherry Central approaches its Golden Anniversary, we are presented with a wonderful opportunity to look toward the future, tackle new challenges, and ensure that this cooperative will succeed for another 50 years. We will grow together so we can serve consumers and customers together with one voice.”

Catherine Collins

Chief Financial Officer

Catherine Collins joined Cherry Central at the beginning of 2020. She brings almost 30 years of accounting and operations management experience in a variety of industries. Catherine is a certified management accountant (C.M.A.) and a member of the National Society of Accountants for Cooperatives.

A native of Traverse City, Catherine attended Grand Valley State University where she earned her BBA in Accounting. She worked in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area for a number of years before relocating back to Northern Michigan. When not at Cherry Central, Catherine enjoys her role on the Board of Directors of Munson Medical Center, skiing and hiking, and working with her husband on their small farm in Leelanau County.

“I’m really excited to combine my years of accounting knowledge with my personal farm experience to represent a wonderful group of members in a cooperative that is a leader in the industry.”

Cheryl Saxton

Director of Operations

Cheryl Saxton is one of the rare gems of the business world. She has been with Cherry Central for over 35 years and worked across multiple disciplines within the organization.

Cheryl was raised in Michigan. Born in Southfield, Michigan, she moved to Traverse City in the late 1970s. She began her career with Cherry Central while still attending high school at Traverse City H.S. The high school offered local work cooperative experience and Cheryl was hired as a receptionist and file clerk week days noon to 5pm.

She attended Northwestern Michigan College and was hired full time by Cherry Central as the assistant to the accounting manager. She oversaw the order management process for the ‘Naturally Good’ brand and all USDA-related order fulfillment.

Cheryl supported the Customer Service department helping with transportation before she moved to the fresh produce business for a time, working for North Bay Produce.

In 1993, Cheryl left Cherry Central briefly to become a full-time mother and day care provider. When she returned to Cherry Central, she went to work in logistics, helping with inventory and processing support to the Vice President of Sales.

In 1998, Chery became the Logistics Manager for Cherry Central. In this role, she oversaw all order management and logistics. Cheryl was elevated to the Director of Operations in 2015, reporting directly to the CEO/President. She is a key leader within the organization and broadly respected by owners and employees alike.

Melanie LaPerriere

总裁 首席执行官

Melanie LaPerriere 是公认的未来加工生产行业的领导者。她参与组建了Naturipe食品销售和市场公司,这是一家2008年成立的位于美国中西部的蓝莓合作社企业家族企业,他们的蓝莓来自于德拉诺,加利福尼亚和智利的圣迭戈。

她直接参与了众多世界知名品牌的推广,包括Blue Diamond Almond和Procter & Gamble。作为Cherry Central的总裁和首席执行官,她现在领导众多区域的生产和销售,包括加拿大安大略;美国的密歇根,犹他和华盛顿。

Cherry Central目前提供蒙特莫伦西酸樱桃浓缩汁和单倍果汁,Indian Summer苹果产品,单体速冻樱桃和5+1樱桃给到食品配料行业。Melanie加入的时候正值公司50周年纪念。她将把公司打造成世界知名公司。

在辛辛那提俄亥俄当地,Melanie取得了泽维尔大学的市场营销学位。她是在辛辛那提的Procter & Gamble公司开始她的职业生涯,然后她去了北加利福尼亚的Blue Diamond公司。目前她定居在密歇根,工作在密歇根总部特拉弗斯城。

“当Cherry Central马上要渡过她的50周年纪念日的时候,我们会有更多的机遇,迎接更多的挑战,并且让我们会成功的走下下一个50周年纪念日。我们会跟我们的客户和消费者一起成长下去。”

Catherine Collins


Catherine Collins在2020年初加入Cherry Central。他过往的30年里面有丰富的财务管理经验。Catherine拥有注册管理会计师证书,也是美国会计师协会成员。

在特拉弗斯城当地,Catherine在大峡谷州立大学取得了财务工商管理硕士。数年前她工作在密歇根大急流城。还不在Cherry Central工作的时候,Catherine担任Munson Medical Center集团董事,她喜欢滑雪登山,和丈夫一起生活在他们的利拉瑙郡的农场。


Cheryl Saxton


Cheryl Saxton 是商业领域的瑰宝。她在Cherry Central已经工作超过35年并且从事多个岗位。

Cheryl成长在密歇根,出生在密歇根南菲尔德,她在1970年搬家到特拉弗斯城。她在读高中的时候就加入了Cherry Central,她的高中给了她社会实践的机会,她也取得了公司兼职的工作机会。工作日中午工作到下午五点。

她毕业于密歇根西北大学,她在Cherry Central的第一份全职工作是财务助理。她负责管理Naturally Good品牌的订单和所有跟USDA相关的订单。

Cheryl 支持客服部门的运输工作,知道她去了北湾鲜水果业务部门。

1993年Cheryl离开Cherry Central成为一位全职妈妈。当她再次回到Cherry Central的时候她去了物流部门,帮助管理库存以及协助副总裁的销售工作。
